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IIoT & Wireless Systems

Layer N communication interfaces enable wired and wireless communication of Smart Interfaces to the Layer N Smart Gateway to transfer application data directly into the cloud. VIEW PRODUCTS »
Smart Probes
Smart Probes
A wide selection of rugged smart probes for your sensing needs. From non-contact IR sensors to a full range of sensor types including Temperature, Humidity, Process, RTD, Thermocouple, pulse, and more. VIEW PRODUCTS »
Smart Gateways
Smart Gateways
Smart Gateways collect and aggregate data from Smart Sensors for both Cloud and enterprise level distribution and also secure your data with advanced encryption technologies and security features. VIEW PRODUCTS »
Smart Wireless Sensors
Smart Wireless Sensors
Wireless smart sensors are intellegent solutions that are easy to configure and install. They feature long range, secure communications Internal data logging, and long battery life. VIEW PRODUCTS »