Pre-Cut Panel Kits
These front panels are 2 mm (0.090") thick
aluminum and are pre-cut for up to three DIN
size controllers, depending on the size of the
enclosure. The kits are simple to assemble,
requiring drilling three holes with the
provided template. All stainless steel
hardware is included along with installation
instructions. These kits are available for
two NEMA 4X fiberglass enclosure sizes,
12 H x10 W x 6" D and 16 H x 14 W x 8" D.
Rear mount sub-panels are also available for
mounting additional electrical components.
NEMA 4X Fiberglass Enclosures - Sold Separately
OM-AMU series non-metallic fiberglass
enclosures are designed to insulate and
protect electrical controls and components
in both indoors and outdoors applications
and are especially well suited for higher
temperatures and corrosive environments.
These NEMA 4X (IP66) fiberglass JIC
junction boxes feature clear polycarbonate
covers with a variety of screw or
latching options and are the solution for
weatherproof or waterproof applications.
† All amounts shown in USD Note: Comes complete with installation instructions.
Ordering Example:
(1) OM-AMU1206LCCF NEMA 4X fiberglass enclosure with lockable snap latches, 12x10x6, USD271.00 plus (1) OM-AMU1648TCCF NEMA 4X fiberglass enclosure with lockable twist latches, 16x14x10, USD384.00 plus (1) OM-HFPU120-116DIN-2 Front Panel Kit with 2 cut-outs for 1/16 DIN controllers, USD151.99 plus (1) OM-HFPU164-18DIN-3 Front panel kit with three cut-outs for 1/8 DIN controllers, USD173.00 plus (1) OM-PF164 Fiberglass rear mount sub-panel for 16x14, USD92.00 plus (1) SCE-12P10 Steel rear mount sub-panel, USD22.25, USD271.00 + 384.00 + 151.99 + 173.00 + 92.00 + 22.25 = USD1,094.24