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Integrated Circuit IC Temperature Probe


Integrated Circuit Temperature Probe | OM-2628

Integrated Circuit Temperature Probe

USD167.00 OM-2628-C1

  • High Precalibrated Accuracy: ±0.5°C (0.9°F) Maximum @ 25°C
  • Excellent Linearity: 0.15°C (0.27°F) Maximum [0 to 70°C (32 to 158°F)]
  • Wide Operating Temperature Range: -25 to 105°C (-13 to 221°F)
  • Single Supply Operation: +4 to +30V
  • Excellent Repeatability and Stability
  • High Level Output: 1 µA/K (278.2µA at 25°C)
  • Two Terminal Monolithic IC Provides Current Output Proportional to Temperature
  • Minimal Self-Heating Errors
  • 38 and 153 mm (1.5 and 6") Standard Lengths
  • Typical Appilications Include:
    Appliance Temperature Sensing
    Automotive Temperature Measurement and Control
    System Monitoring
    Industrial Temperature Control
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The OM-2628 IC probe features the integrated circuit transducer AD592CN. This IC solid state sensor is a two terminal monolithic integrated circuit temperature transducer that provides an output current proportional to absolute temperature. For a wide range of supply voltages the transducer acts as a high impedance temperature dependent current source of 1 µA/K. Improved design and laser wafer trimming of the IC’s thin film resistors allows the AD592CN solid state sensor to achieve absolute accuracy levels and nonlinearity errors previously unattainable at a comparable price.
The OM-2628 probe can be employed in applications between -25 and 105°C (-13 to 221°F) where conventional temperature sensors (i.e., thermistor, RTD, thermocouple, diode) are currently being used. Expensive linearization circuitry, precision voltage references, bridge components, resistance measuring circuitry and cold junction compensation are not required with the OM-2628 probe.
The OM-2628 solid state sensor is particularly useful in remote sensing applications, the AD592CN is immune to voltage drops and voltage noise over long lines due to its high impedance current output.

Calibration Error @ 25°C (77°F) TA = 0 to 70°C (32 to 158°F): 0.3°C (0.54°F) typical, 0.5°C (0.9°F) maximum
    Error Over Temperature: 0.4°C (0.72°F) typical, 0.8°C (1.4°F) maximum
Nonlinearity TA = -25 to 105°C (-13 to 221°F): 0.05°C (0.09°F) typical, 0.15°C (0.27°F) maximum
Error Over Temperature: 0.5°C (0.9°F) typical, 1°C (1.8°F) maximum
Nonlinearity: 0.1°C (0.18°F) typical, 0.35°C (0.63°F) maximum
Output Characteristics
Nominal Current Output @ 25°C (298.2 K): 298.2 µA typical
Temperature Coefficient: 1 µA/°C typical
Repeatability: 0.1°C (0.18°F) typical
Long Term Stability: 0.1°C/month (0.18°F) typical
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Operating Temperature: -25°C (-13°F) minimum, 105°C (221°F) maximum
Package Temperature: -45°C (-49°F) minimum, 125°C (257°F) maximum
Forward Voltage (+ to -): 44V maximum
Reverse Voltage (- to +) Lead Temperature: 20V maximum
Soldering, 10 Seconds: 572°C (1062°F) maximum
Power Supply
Operating Voltage Range Power
Supply Rejection: 4V minimum, 30V maximum
4V < Vs < 5V: 0.5°C (0.9°F)/V maximum
5V < Vs < 15V: 0.2°C (0.36°F)/V maximum
15V < Vs < 30V: 0.1°C (0.18°F)/V maximum
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IC (Integrated Circuit) Sensors
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Availability: 5 weeks
38 L x 6.4 mm diameter (1.5 x 1/4") AD592CN temperature probe with 0.91 m (36") leads
Availability: 5 weeks
153 L x 6.4 mm diameter (6 x 1/4") AD592CN temperature probe with 0.91 m (36") leads
All amounts shown in USD
Ordering Example: (1) OM-2628-C1  38 L x 6.4 mm diameter (1.5 x 1/4") AD592CN temperature probe with 0.91 m (36") leads, USD167.00
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